Hsin-Rung (Sherry) Chou Machine Learning / Computer Vision / VR / AR

About me

Hi! My name is Sherry. My works lies at the intersection of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and AR/VR, especially in the application of facial recognition. I graduated with my B.S. in Computer Science from National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU), and with my M.S. from New York University (NYU). I am recently entering the field of Fintech with the title of junior AI scientist.
I am a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda.

My latest 3-year experience

My Past Projects


Virtual Ping-Pong

This is a class project I developed when I studyed Computer Vision at NYU. We developed a Ping-pong game based on optical flow captured by webcam. Check our github repo.

Demo Video

AR Pokémon War (C#)

This is an AR Pokémon fingting game by placing different barcode cards in front of a webcam, players can summond different Pokémon with different attack skills. Our github repo.

Demo Video

Toolman (Java)

This is a multiplayer racing game which used PC as a monitor and Android smartphones as remote controllers, check out our github repo: PC, Android.

Demo Video

VR Room (C#, Unity)

This is a interactive VR application accomplished with Angus and Gatto. We developed a VR application where users can play games, draw on a blackboard, and hold a meeting. Users can also customize their virtual avatar combining with 3D scanning app, and change facial expression with VR controller.

Demo Video